< artificial intelligence = “innovation” >
< computational law = “future” >



The LLM confers a high degree of specialisation in cross-cutting, non-regional legal issues, enabling students to take part in the international scientific debate. The first programme of this series addresses the following topic AI in Legal Practice and its Regulation.

Our programme has a distinct structure from the other postgraduate courses offered at FDUL. The following differences stand out:


  • Limited number of students, estimated to be no more than 20 students per programme;
  • Intensive training with a high weekly class load, i.e., 24 hours of lecturers per week as well as assignments and projects or oriented research;
  • Modular composition of the programmes (two sections per module);
  • Concentration of the teaching and evaluatiion of each curricular unit in three weeks during which the student will dedicate exclusively to this curricular unit;
  • Lecturers composed of FDUL professors but also of professors from other national and foreign universities as well as experts with recognised professional experience; 
  • Full teaching in English. 



                                                 Results announced until March 14
                                                 Phase 2*: FROM 15 OF MARCH TO 30 OF APRIL OF 2025

                                                 Results announced until May15
                                                 Phase 3*: FROM 1 OF JUNE TO 15 OF JULY 2025

                                                 Results announced until July 29


*Second and third phase of applications are conditional: depending on the number of vacancies filled in the first phase

Our Approach
Theoretical and practical knowledge connected
AI to solve legal problems
New knowledge: Learn, apply and dare to innovate
Course Details

Scientific Coordination
Prof. Doutor Paulo de Sousa Mendes

Executive Coordination
Prof. Doutor João Marques Martins

Paulo de Sousa Mendes
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
João Marques Martins
AI for Lawyers and Prosecutors
Alexandre Zavaglia
AI for Lawyers and Prosecutors
Ana Alves Leal
AI & Contracts
Ana Marques
António da Costa Gomes
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
Célia Marques dos Santos
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
Daniel McNamee
Basics of AI
Daniela Rodrigues de Sousa
AI and Liability
Dário Moura Vicente
AI and Intellectual Property
Domingos Soares Farinho
AI and Fundamental Rights
Filipa Lemos Caldas
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
Giulia Lasagni
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
Gonzalo Polavieja
Basics of AI
Joana Costa Lopes
AI for Lawyers and Prosecutors
João de Oliveira Geraldes
AI & Intellectual Property
João Ferreira
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
Jorge Silva Martins
AI & Contracts
Luís Greco
Manuel Lopes Rocha
AI & Intellectual Property
Marcello di Bello
AI for Judges and Arbitrators
Martim Zanatti
Basics of AI
Miguel Goulão
AI Regulation
Park Memming
Basics of AI
Pedro Moniz Lopes
AI and Fundamental Rights
Ricardo Ribeiro
Basics of AI
Roger Brownsword
AI Regulation
Rui Soares Pereira
AI and Liability
Sofia Casimiro
AI Regulation
Sofia Pinto
Basics of AI
Thomas Hoeren
AI and Intellectual Property
Vítor Palmela Fidalgo
AI & Intellectual Property
Vladyslava Kaplina
AI & Fundamental Rights

1stWeek - Syllabus

  • Daniel McNamee/Park Memming/Gonzalo Polavieja

2ndWeek - Syllabus

  • Sofia Pinto/Ricardo Ribeiro
1st Week - Syllabus
  • Sofia Casimiro
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Roger Brownsword
1st Week - Syllabus
  • Paulo de Sousa Mendes/António da Costa Gomes/Célia Marques dos Santos/João Ferreira
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Marcello Di Bello/Giulia Lasagni
1st Week - Syllabus
  • João Marques Martins
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Alexandre Zavaglia


1st Week - Syllabus
  • Francisco Mendes Correia/Ana Alves Leal/Jorge Silva Martins
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Francisco Mendes Correia/Ana Alves Leal/Jorge Silva Martins
1st Week - Syllabus
  • Rui Soares Pereira/Luís Greco/Daniela Rodrigues
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Rui Soares Pereira/Luís Greco/Daniela Rodrigues
1st Week - Syllabus
  • Domingos Soares Farinho
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Domingos Soares Farinho
1st Week - Syllabus
  • Dário Moura Vicente/Thomas Hoeren/João de Oliveira Geraldes/Vítor Palmela Fidalgo
2nd Week - Syllabus
  • Dário Moura Vicente/Vítor Palmela Fidalgo/Thomas Hoeren/João de Oliveira Geraldes/Manuel Lopes Rocha

Check the detailed schedule here:

Schedule AI & LAW 2024-2025


Article 1



The purpose of these regulations is the LL.M. (Legum Magister) programme taught by the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon (hereinafter FDUL).


Article 2



Holders of a bachelor’s degree or higher may apply to the LL.M. programme.


Article 3



1 — Each academic year, 20 vacancies are available for each LL.M. programme, and this number may be reduced temporarily by decision of the Scientific Council.

2 — The number of vacancies is publicised on the FDUL website.


Article 4

(Application rules)


1 — Applications for the LL.M. are submitted by the deadline set by order of the Director of FDUL, to be published on the FDUL website.

2 — Students attach the following documents to their application:

a) Academic degree certificate;

b) Academic, scientific or professional CV, with a copy of the documents to which they refer;

c) Letter of application to attend the study cycle, if applicable;

d) Proof of knowledge of English.

e) All other documents required by the competent services.

3 — Documents, whether national or foreign, must be original and comply with the legally required formalities. However, at the time of application, scanned documents may be provisionally submitted.


Article 5

(Assessment of applications)


1 — The criteria governing the assessment of applications are defined by the Coordinating Professor of the Postgraduate Studies Commission, in consultation with the Scientific Council.

2 — The criteria must be relevant to the candidate’s academic, scientific and professional curriculum.


Article 6



1 — The Director of FDUL sets the dates for enrolment each academic year, as well as any extensions to the deadline for this purpose.

2 — Students who need to obtain recognition of academic degrees awarded by foreign universities can only enrol after the respective process has been completed by the relevant departments.

3 — A letter of acceptance of the application will be issued prior to enrolment to students who provide proof of verification of the conditions for access under the terms of these regulations.

4 — Students may enrol in the LL.M. subject to completion of the degree by 15 October of the academic year in question.


Article 7

(Curricular structure and syllabus)


1 — Each LL.M. programme consists of eight modules, four per semester, and two course units from the Master’s course in Law and Legal Practice, one per semester.

2 — Each module corresponds to a course unit.

3 — Each module has 48 hours of teaching time, spread over two weeks, followed by one week for work subject to assessment.

4 — The programme and bibliography for each module are defined by the lecturer and published on the FDUL website, in accordance with the following timetables:

a) Before the opening of applications, by means of a summary indication;

b) Before the start of each semester, by means of a full announcement.

5 — The curricular structure and syllabus of each LL.M. programme is attached to these regulations.

6 — Students can customise the curricular part of the LL.M. programme they are attending, namely by composing it with modules from the different LL.M. programmes.


Article 8

(Programme duration and credits)


1 — The LL.M. programme lasts three semesters.

2 — Successful completion of the LL.M. programme entitles the holder to 90 credits (ECTS), with 60 credits corresponding to the curricular part and the remaining 30 to the dissertation.


Article 9

(Teaching language)


The course units are taught in English.


Article 10

(Teaching staff)


1 — The lecturing is ensured by teachers whose academic and/or professional curriculum shows a high degree of specialisation in the subjects taught in the course units under their coordination.

2 — The teaching staff will be made up of FDUL professors, but also professors from other national and foreign universities, as well as non-PhD specialists with recognised professional experience, preferably chosen from among FDUL’s prestigious Alumni.


Article 11

(Classroom teaching)


1 — Teaching at the LL.M. is classroom-based. Attendance at classes is compulsory and student attendance may be monitored.

2 — Except in the case of maternity, in which case the current legal regime applies, missing more than a third of the classes scheduled for each course module means losing attendance and consequently failing the curricular unit.

3 — In the case of duly proven illness, paternity or family assistance, the number of absences allowed is half the total number of lessons; in the case of maternity absences, the current legal regime applies.

4 — Exceptionally, in cases of duly proven incapacitating illness, and taking into account all the circumstances of the case, class attendance may be waived.

5 — Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, LL.M. programmes may be taught online, under the terms of distance learning and assessment regulations. The same programme may be taught exclusively at a distance or concurrently with the classroom regime for part of the students.


Article 12

(Assessment and qualitative grades)


1 — Without prejudice to the provisions of the following article, the assessment method for each course unit is defined by the teaching professor. The following elements may be taken into account: oral interventions during teaching periods; written resolution of practical hypotheses; projects; written or oral examination.

2 — The assessment of the dissertation takes into account the merit of the written work and its defence in an oral exam.

3 — Approved students are awarded the grades of Sufficient (from 10 to 13), Good (14 and 15), Very Good (16 and 17) and Excellent (18 to 20).


Article 13

(Passing and classification of the curricular part)


1 — Students are considered to have passed the curricular part of the LL.M. if they have passed all the course units that make up the respective programme.

2 — Students who fail three or fewer course units may retake them once in the following academic year, subject to assessment. In this case, the tuition fee corresponding to the course units attended will be charged.

3 — The final classification of the LL.M. programme is calculated according to the following formula: weighted arithmetic average, calculated to the hundredths and rounded up to the nearest unit, considering as a unit a fraction of not less than 50 hundredths, of the classifications obtained in the course units defined in the terms of the study plan, up to a limit of 60 credits. The weighting unit is the number of credits assigned to each course unit.


Article 14



1 — Successful completion of the LL.M. entitles the student to write a dissertation or internship report.

2 — The student must choose the topic and supervisor of the dissertation by the end of the first semester of the LL.M., and the choice will be communicated to the Scientific Council in due course.

3 — The dissertation supervisor must be the lecturer of one of the course units to be attended by the student during the LL.M. programme.

4 — The dissertation or report must be between 100,000 and 150,000 characters long, including spaces, not including the abstract, table of contents, list of abbreviations, bibliography and list of case law.


5 — The dissertation or report must be submitted for assessment by 15 November of the academic year following that in which the course began.

6 — The assessment of the dissertation, which includes an oral debate on the work presented, must take place by 31 December of the academic year following that in which the course began.


Article 15

(Approval and classification)


1 — Students who successfully complete the LL.M. are awarded the degree of Legum Magister (Master of Laws), with the corresponding speciality being identified on the certificate if the student successfully completes at least three of the modules that make up the respective programme.

2 — The final classification of the LL.M. is based on the weighting of the average classification, rounded to the nearest integer, obtained in the curricular part, which is worth 60% of the final classification, and the classification awarded at the end of the public dissertation defence exam, when positive, which is worth 40% of the final classification.

3 — Students who decide not to write a dissertation or internship report under the terms of the previous article will be awarded a certificate that contains the mention Postgraduate Diploma and identifies the corresponding speciality, if the student successfully attends at least three of the modules that make up the respective programme.

4 — In the case provided for in the previous paragraph, the classification corresponds to the grade awarded in the curricular part of the LL.M. programme.


Article 16

(Omitted cases)


Without prejudice to the provisions of the law, any cases not covered by these Regulations shall be dealt with by means of the Regulations for Master’s Degrees and Doctorates of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and if this is not sufficient, by application of the Regulations for Postgraduate Studies of the University of Lisbon, and if this is not sufficient, by Order of the Coordinating Professor of the Postgraduate Studies, appealable to the Scientific Council.

Interactive lectures, problem-based approach
Teachers & Specialists of 6 nationalities
Learn from experts in diverse fields of knowledge
Students from different countries
Entirely taught in English
Application & Fees

Phase 1: from 15 of January to 28 of February of 2025 - results announced until March 14
Phase 2*: from 15 of March to 30 of April of 2025 - results announced until May15
Phase 3*: from 1 of June to 15 of July of 2025 - results announced until July 29

  • Limited number of places
  • *Second and third phase of applications are conditional: depending on the number of vacancies filled in the first phase



  • For the 1st and 2nd Semesters (courses): € 4,000
  • For the 3rd Semester (final Master’s paper): € 2,800





  • Application fee (non-refundable): € 150
  • Insurance: € 2,03
Access conditions and Requirements


1/ The following persons can apply to study for the postgraduate programme:

  • Holders of a Bachelor's degree in a field related to topic of the programme;
  • Holders of a 1st study cycle foreign higher education degree in a field related to topic of the programme which is administered in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Process by a country which has adopted this process;
  • Holders of a foreign higher education degree in a field related to topic of the programme that is recognised as satisfying the objectives of the Bachelor's degree by the coordination of the programme;


2/ Registration for the degree is subject to the successful completion of a Bachelor’s degree by the planned start date of the degree's lecture timetable.

3/ Capacity to use the English language for communication and academic work.




  1. Curriculum vitae;
  2. English proficiency certificate (if you have one);
  3. Citizen’s card or identity card, or passport in the case of foreign students;
  4. Passport-sized photo;
  5. Certificate of completion of a Bachelor’s degree, containing the final grade average and a list of subjects, or, if you have not yet finished your degree, a certificate listing the subjects you have passed and the grades for each;
  6. Certificate of completion of a Master’s degree, containing the final grade and a list of subjects (if applicable);
  7. Certificate of completion of postgraduate courses (if applicable);
  8. Link to the website of the publisher, journal, or review where you have published books or scientific papers (if applicable). This information may be included in the curriculum vitae.




  • Copies of all the documents referred to in paragraph g) above must be duly certified.
  • Any documents referred to in paragraph g) above that are issued abroad must be legalised by the Portuguese Consulate in the country where the degree was obtained, or apostilled under the terms of the Hague Convention. In the light of the current exceptional situation caused by COVID-19, these documents may be accepted without the mentioned legalisation, provided that they are accompanied by an oath of honour by the applicant that the document contains only truthful and accurate information.
  • If the applicant is granted a place and subsequently enrols on the course, the originals or certified copies of all documents submitted via the Applications Portal must be handed in to the Academic Division of FDUL, or sent by post, by 15 October of the respective academic year.
  • Failure to submit the documents or information referred to in (d) and (e) above means these will not be considered in the process of ranking candidates.


The submission of academic documents containing false information is punishable by law.



Application Instructions


All applications must be submitted via the University’s academic management system:
FenixEdu application platform



FENIX - Applications Manual


If you have any doubts regarding the submission of an application, do not hesitate to contact the Academic Division of FDUL:

  • Applications will only be analysed after the application fee has been paid.
  • FDUL's Academic Division will contact all candidates via e-mail, regardless of whether their application contains any irregularity, or has been correctly submitted.
  • Once the application is approved, each student will automatically receive an institutional email (example@campus.ul.pt), and this will be the official channel for receiving notifications about the Programme. The student will be able to access this email through University of Lisbon's Webmail or by configuring receipt on other platforms, such as Gmail.
The Postgraduate Programme is supported through partnerships by several leading Portuguese institutions.
Lisbon & FDUL

The University of Lisbon School of Law is distinguished by the quality and recognised merit of the teaching staff, the accuracy and innovation of the curricula, the insistence on a practical approach to learning, the capacity of social, economic and political influence of the professionals who studied here and the cosmopolitan openness.

The School of Law offers specialised and advanced training (an LL.M. in European Legal Practice, career-focused Master’s and a research-focused Master’s, Ph.D. and post-doctoral programmes) in postgraduate programmes in new and interdisciplinary fields, always seeking to maintain a high level of cultural and scientific training.

Every year the School organises conferences on current issues or legal reforms in the process of implementation and invests in the exchange and international cooperation with Brazil, African Portuguese-speaking countries, several European countries, the United States of America, India and China.


Alumni Testemonials
Maria Angélica Albuquerque

The "AI in Legal Practice and its Regulation Postgraduate Course" offered me the opportunity to have an understanding of AI and its recent development trends as well as a good overview of the main applications of AI in legal practice and of regulation-related issues in the AI field, which was only possible due to its truly interdisciplinary approach provided by a teaching staff made up of researchers and professionals of various fields.

Raphael Streicher Mengato

The course has been fascinating so far. It has already shown to be an unique opportunity to meet face to face international professors from top institutions. A.I. and Law are topics that already shape each other extensively in a variety of ways, and will even more so in the coming years.

Cláudia Isabel Costa

The AI and Law course is remarkable and very interesting due to the matters discussed and high quality sessions well-organized. It helps us understand in a transversal way the challenges that AI poses to the several areas of law and creates a space for discussion with the students in the search for solutions to them.

Paulo Pinheiro

The legal professions has a long history of keeping pace with technology as it advances. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already changing the legal profession and this revolution is invariably exponential. Legal professionals must stay up to date on AI developments, learn how to use AI applications in their practice, be prepared for AI daily implications, think and debate AI limits and boundaries and always be ready to adapt to the evolution of this helpful tech. This post-graduate course gives exactly what any legal professional search for regarding AI and Law.


What beauties doth Lisboa first unfold!

Her image floating on the noble tide,

Which poets vainly pave with sands of gold.

Lord Byron (Ada Lovelace’s father)
dare to innovate
get to know more

Alameda da Universidade
Cidade Universitária
1649-014 Lisboa, Portugal

+351 913 345 001 (Phone / WhatsApp)